
A journey to healing

I have struggled with weight issues my entire life. I have tried every diet on the market.
I joined countless gyms, and even hired a personal trainer. You name it–I have done it.
Sometimes there was short-term success, but I never found the long-term, sustained
success for which I was longing. I have always been a healthy eater and vegetables
and fruit were always a part of my diet. I did struggle with portion control and used food
as a source of comfort for dealing with pain or happiness. My soul is sensitive, and I
would get hurt by the actions of others whether they knew they had hurt me or not. At a
young age, I took that hurt and started building that steel armor around my heart. I
stuffed that pain away. I didn’t know how to deal with the pain, so I slowly began
hardening my heart to deal with the pain. I had built a fortress around my heart that no
one could penetrate.

Then one day, I was spiritually guided to see an energy healer. I had no idea what that
meant. I couldn’t even conceptualize it. I recall asking if the healer believed in God, as
I was concerned about what I may be getting into. I did believe, and this was important
to me.

I decided to give it a try, and I found on my first meeting with her that she did believe.
There were signs everywhere of her belief. In fact, what I found the most comforting
were her blue eyes. I saw God in her, and that put me at ease. What began next was a
journey of releasing all that hurt I had stuffed.

Unbeknownst to me, as I worked on dealing with the hurt, the weight started to slowly
come off. I wasn’t paying attention as I was focused on releasing the hurt and pain. My
clothes still fit so I continued wearing them. Then one day I was invited to dinner with
dear friends. Their son saw me and did a double take. I remember him saying, “Wow!
You look great. How much weight have you lost?” I was shocked, surprised and thrilled
all at the same time. I went home that night and pulled down containers of clothes I
hadn’t worn in years. I was thrilled!! They fit!!

I remember jumping around my bedroom with excitement and praise to God for helping

I pray that my story speaks to you in some way whether through your own weight
struggles or through a different health issue you are facing. There is another avenue. If
you are seeking something more, then I encourage you to go deep within and connect
with that still small voice for guidance. With God, all things are possible. I am a
miracle, and so are you.

Come and start your journey of healing at Amazing Grace. All are welcome!

Jody Lynn