
Upcoming events

Jody plans to attend upcoming health fairs and offer healing classes through community education.

Please check back soon for updates to this page.


“When I was 6 or 7 I got a terrible thing on my finger…a WART. I was battling it for two and a half years, then I told Jody about it. She solved everything. She made a cream with essential oils and other things. She told me it would cure it. Me and my mom put it on every night. Slowly, it started turning white, and one weekend I was watching my favorite show, and I looked down to see how it was doing and it was gone. I looked on the floor. There it was laying there. I screamed in excitement! It only took 13 days for it to fall off. For me I thought it was never going to fall off. But with the magic cream that Jody made it was possible. This is why you should go see her! I hope it works for you too!”

Ava, age 9
Amazing Grace client

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